Translator, Partner, Adviser

Christian Rennie

The definition of a translator is: “Someone who translates from a source language into a target language”. And that’s exactly how I see myself. If you have a thousand things on your mind, but too little time, then I come into play and translate all important and legally relevant topics into a comprehensible language for your employees.

As a partner at eye level, I stand by your side in an appreciative, fair and open manner. I don’t give you an “X” for an “U” or promise meaningless extras for a lot of money, of which nothing remains at the end of the day. What counts for me is to support you in a long-term partnership to ensure understanding, clarity and security.

In addition, I am an honest and direct companion for you. From my own experience, I know that in your day-to-day business as a transport service provider, logistician or entrepreneur in local public transport, you have to keep up with developments and ever new legal requirements. I will accompany you with know-how, background knowledge and a view beyond your own nose.

Are you tired of unnecessary consultations that are of no use to you? Then it’s high time we got to know each other.

My advisory services for you, your employees and your company:

Due to the increasing legal framework conditions at national and European level, the challenges for you and your employees are constantly rising. In addition, transport or fleet managers are increasingly becoming the focus of responsibility.

These are the facts from your everyday life:

  • Increasing legal framework at national and European level
  • Competition for the resource “human being
  • Increasing quality demands of your customers combined with business pressure
  • Increasing number of motor vehicle damages+accidents

My solution for you as a fleet manager:

  • I put your processes to the test
  • Together we develop sensible processes that are geared to your needs, but also meet the requirements of the legislator.
  • I support you in establishing the new processes in the company
  • In combination with targeted training and coaching measures, bring you up to a legally compliant standard

An overview of my fair and partnership-based consulting and training packages:

  • Basic package: 1-day fleet analysis with subsequent protocol and optimisation recommendation
  • Standard package: As package 1, additional development of necessary documentation supplemented by one day as instruction of your responsible personnel in the variants “seminar” or “training-on-the-job”.
  • Premium package : As package 1 + 2, plus: Creation or adaptation of the necessary documents and integration of these documents into your processes, data maintenance within the fleet organisation as well as loading, instruction of your employees in the processes on site, implementation of obligatory instructions for your personnel on site, check of all vehicles on site, adaptation or creation of the/one driver’s manual, review and evaluation of the driver data and optimisation recommendations, basic instruction “labour and social law” for dispatchers and management, advice regarding a possible need for qualification of your employees, individual coaching of your employees in day-to-day business.

The respective package scope includes the designated consultation protocols, documentation of the instructions as well as working documents in digital form. For training courses, the participant handouts are included in the price. The contents of package no. 3 are to be commissioned or called within one year.

Would you like a quote? I would be happy to discuss the general conditions with you in an initial free consultation. Simply make an appointment here:

Due to the increasing global flow of goods, the challenges for your logistics processes are constantly rising. In addition, you as the sender are increasingly becoming the focus of responsibility.

Please answer three questions for yourself in an honest way:

  • Are my logistics processes safe and efficient?
  • Are my employees sufficiently qualified?
  • Do I always have a lot of work with customer complaints due to transport damage or even nerve-racking trouble with control authorities?

If you rather come to the conclusion that “trial and error” is the order of the day in this sensitive area, then you should use my first-class expert knowledge in order to

  • to be compliant with the legal requirements,
  • Maintain security for you, your staff and your business,
  • to ensure the satisfaction of your customers.

An overview of my fair and partnership-based consulting and training packages:

  • Basic package: 1-day load securing consultation with subsequent protocol and optimisation recommendation.
  • Standard package: As package 1, additional development of loading protocols supplemented by one day as instruction of your staff in the variants “seminar” or “training-on-the-job”.
  • Premium package: As package 1 + 2, additional quarterly 1-day consulting days, consolidation of the identified optimisation recommendations, additional creation of loading instructions and integration of these documents into your processes or quality management system.

The respective package scope includes the designated consultation protocols, documentation of the instructions as well as working documents in digital form. For training courses, the participant handouts are included in the price. The contents of package no. 3 are to be commissioned or called within one year.

Would you like a quote? I would be happy to discuss the general conditions with you in an initial free consultation. Simply make an appointment here:

The protection of people and nature is a very important asset and is also regulated by law. If you do not deal with the relevant ordinances, laws and directives that often, you may run the risk of overlooking something important. Legal as well as costly consequences can result for you and your company.

Take advantage of my advice on dangerous goods transport to obtain more legal certainty and avoid damage to you or your company!

My activities on your behalf:

  • Advice to the contractor according to § 8 para. 1 GbV
  • Other tasks according to § 8 para. 1 GbV
  • Advice on day-to-day business
  • Instruction of the employees on the basis of chap. 1.3 ADR
  • Regular inspections with monitoring report according to § 8 para. 2 GbV
  • Preparation of an accident report in accordance with § 8 Para. 4 GbV in conjunction with Chapter 1.8.5 ADR
  • Preparation of the annual report according to § 9 para. 5 GbV
  • Immediately assist in the rectification of deficiencies
  • Telephone counselling for specialists and managers
  • Creating checklists and overviews
  • Advice on fines

Would you like a quote? I would be happy to discuss the general conditions with you in an initial free consultation. Simply make an appointment here:

Technical progress and globalisation are changing the world of work. Technical development encounters us in the form of diverse new tools and work equipment and through the increased use of nanomaterials. Globalisation is leading to work intensification and increased competition. Skilled workers are becoming scarce, and at the same time employees are becoming one of the most important factors for entrepreneurial success. Good work, however, is done by those who can concentrate fully on their task. In the certainty that everything is being done in the company to minimise risks in the workplace.

Put the topic of “occupational safety” in our hands

Working with Christian Rennie and Nico Klammer ensures you extensive background knowledge as well as transparency and clarity in implementation and communication. What our clients appreciate about us is that we identify problems relevant to people and companies within a very short time and provide them with solutions that are suitable for everyday use – and always highly individualised and adapted to your needs!

Our range of services

Occupational safety experts are responsible for safety-related supervision. We support and advise you as an employer, your employees and the representation of interests in all questions of occupational safety and health. Our tasks also include the humane design of work. The competence of the occupational safety specialist is crucial for the safety and health protection of employees.

Our range of services “Occupational safety

  • Establishment and continuation of a company occupational health and safety organisation
  • Support in the assessment of working conditions with regard to occupational safety, hazards and strains
  • Carrying out regular inspections
  • Planning occupational health and safety measures with specialists and managers
  • Support in the implementation of safety briefings (online and face-to-face)
  • Advice on the design, selection and use of work equipment and personal protective equipment
  • Advice on the management of hazardous substances in companies
  • Advice on new legal requirements
  • Participation in occupational safety and health meetings (online and face-to-face)
  • Cause analyses of accidents and near-accidents
  • Preparation of the necessary documentation
  • Training and instruction of the safety officers

Would you like a quote? I would be happy to discuss the general conditions with you in an initial free consultation. Simply make an appointment here:

A multitude of legal regulations as well as numerous laws, ordinances and guidelines govern preventive and defensive fire protection in Germany. Maintaining an overview of this is no easy task.

A fire is a serious hazard for any company. Responsibility for employees, securing the company and public safety therefore require adequate attention to this issue.

As your qualified fire protection consultant, I will be happy to support and advise you on fire protection requirements.

My support on your behalf:

  • Advice and support for the contractor on the subject of fire protection
  • Participation in labour protection meetings
  • Coordination and communication with authorities, fire brigades and insurers
  • Support in structural and organisational fire protection and fire protection management
  • Preparation of a sectoral and company-specific risk assessment
  • Training of fire protection and evacuation assistants
  • Planning and implementation of evacuation drills

Would you like a quote? I would be happy to discuss the general conditions with you in an initial free consultation. Simply make an appointment here:

My offer for you: Get to know me. Make an appointment and receive a 30-minute consultation free of charge! Make an appointment now!

My offer for you: Get to know me.

Make an appointment and receive a 30-minute consultation free of charge!