Coaching –
Customised and relevant

Let’s be honest: theoretical approaches bore you and your employees. If they are presented in an 0815 manner and do not fit your company, your questions or challenges, you are simply throwing money out the window.

When we are coaching together, my aim is to know in advance what you really need and to create framework conditions for everyone. In return, I want to know the clear expectations of the participants on the spot. This provides the common thread to adapt my training for you, to change it or even to direct it in a completely different direction.

For example, what does load securing mean for you in your everyday work? Which legal requirements play a role? What challenges does your company have to face in this respect? I show your employees and managers possible ways forward within a manageable framework and convey relevant information, because without basic work, progress is not possible. I ask specific questions that get you out of your comfort zone. An important part of my work consists of practice – what does it actually look like in your everyday life? The combination of “as much theory as necessary and as much practice as possible”, this leads to real aha-moments that really change things and not just fleeting reflections.

After coaching or training, participants have structured knowledge and an orderly approach. They understand why they are part of the whole process and not an employee who just drives a forklift, for example. They get clarity that they are part of a chain of responsibility and this, in turn, gives them confidence in their day-to-day work in the company. All coaching sessions are conducted in both German and English.

Coaching topics


According to the Professional Driver Qualification Act, instructors, driving teachers and trainers in the field of professional driver training are obliged to regularly update their knowledge.

My implementation

I’m not into just monotonously repeating predefined content. My modular trainer training is about a combination of methodology, didactics and communication. My new, fresh and intelligent way of designing trainings keeps participants motivated and interested. In addition, with a large proportion of teaching and learning media, trainers get the tools they really need.

Group size

With a group size of 10-15, there is the best possible opportunity for exchange.


On single days or at a stretch, nationwide. German and English.

Target group

Trainers, moderators, speakers, driving instructors for buses and trucks, owners of training centres who deal with the topic.

Further information on the modular further training for trainers “BKF”


The legal basis, defined by the German Road Traffic Act (StVO) and VDI 2700, obliges us to deepen and expand our knowledge of load securing. Furthermore, loads must be secured effectively in order to avoid accidents.

My implementation

With a mix of online training and a practical day, I convey in a practical way, for example in driving tests, how cargo behaves. In regular live webinars, the content is defined even more clearly and individual questions from the participants about their challenges are answered. A practical day deepens what has been learned with concrete questions about the participants’ products.

Group size

With a group size of 10-15, there is the best possible opportunity for exchange.


Training over 7 blocks with live webinars, nationwide. German and English.

Target group

Specialists and managers from the fields of loading, logistics, industry and many more.

Further information on Modular Load Securing Coaching


Due to the increasing legal framework conditions at national and European level, the challenges for entrepreneurs and their employees are constantly rising. In addition, vehicle owners and their contracted employees – regardless of the size and type of vehicles – are increasingly coming under the spotlight of accountability and sanctions.

My implementation

The modular executive coaching takes place as online training. This learning method has not only established itself during the pandemic period, but also saves time and money for all participants. I distinguish between recorded training content and live coaching via Zoom as a consolidation measure. During the live coaching, questions from everyday life are addressed and “homework” is discussed.

In the basic modules, we lay the foundation for a legally compliant fleet organisation. A live webinar with your coach takes place after each basic module. The dates for these are coordinated between the participants in line with their daily business and stored in the calendar on the loading page of the modular executive coaching for vehicle fleets. In addition, the recorded live webinars are made available for later study.

Group size

With a group size of 1-5, the possibility for exchange is given in the best possible way.


Training over 7 blocks with live webinars, nationwide. German and English.

Target group

Specialists and managers from the areas of fleet management, purchasing, workshop, disposition, etc. who manage cars, vans, buses or trucks with corresponding personnel.

Are you interested?

Write me an email or make a call-back appointment.


There are many online platforms. It is important to filter out the right one for your own training.

My implementation

My goal is to help coaches find their way through the jungle of thousands of online offers and to design their coaching sessions in a targeted way. In addition, webinars are the perfect way to be active online alongside face-to-face training. I advise on the technology and equipment needed for successful online training.


Online or on site, nationwide. German and English.

Group size

With a group size of 10-15, there is the best possible opportunity for exchange.

Target group

All those who also want to train other people online.

More information on Modular Coaching for Online Training