Christian Rennie


You know what it’s like:

I want my employees to be qualified.
I do not have the time and resources to train them myself.
I don’t want any additional effort for training that has to be fulfilled by law.
I want support in making adjustments in day-to-day business.
I want legal certainty for myself and my employees.

If these points apply to you, we should talk!

As your translator, partner and advisor on all aspects of traffic, occupational and transport safety, I ensure clarity, understanding and security.

With structure, I develop individual concepts that strengthen your position vis-à-vis superiors and employees, expand your specialist knowledge and thus ensure more sovereignty in day-to-day business.

With more than 15 years of expertise and experience, a good dose of humour and clear, practical solutions for your company and your employees, I will put you on the right track.


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Christian Rennie

In the growing and highly technical traffic and transport industry, what counts for me first and foremost is the human factor. My goal is to accompany you and your employees in the long term, to break new ground and to combine what is necessary with what is useful. Benefit from my expertise and experience to always be up to date professionally and to take on a pioneering role that ensures your success in the long term.

There is no such thing as standard further training or 0815 coaching, because for me it is always your company and your employees that count. My goal is to provide security with understanding and clarity – be it in transport, in everyday business or in the knowledge of your specialists and managers.

How can I help?

Their high-value products or services are often complex and require expert knowledge.

If you too love clarity, hate confusion and want to stop burning budgets senselessly, then we should talk!


For more information just click on the tiles!

Would you like a quick and up-to-date exchange?
I am available for a short consultation for max. 60 minutes via zoom. Make an appointment here.

Here we can discuss training content, training dates, questions from your everyday life on the topics of fleet, loading, hazardous goods, industrial trucks, occupational safety, fire protection, further training for trainers and much more.

I would also be happy to give you an overview of the current changes in professional driver training.


Who better to talk about me than my customers.

5 star rating
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5 star rating
5 star rating
Christian Rennie has been a permanent training partner of our company for several years. Whether professional driver training, training and instruction for load securing or coaching & consulting for industrial trucks: Mr Rennie is able to win over the participants in every training session with his friendly and very competent manner.
We would like to thank him for the good cooperation and look forward to further successful trainings.

Leitung Bolta Akademie
Bolta Werke GmbH
5 star rating
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5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
Coming together is a beginning
Staying together is progress
Working together is a success.
We see this success through your advice at our company, through daily optimisation with regard to our load securing.

Sabine Kohlmann
HEAD OF VAZ – GFE Metalle und Materialien GmbH
5 star rating
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5 star rating
Well-founded and practice-oriented – that’s how we experienced the training sessions with Christian Rennie. In combination with the practical training, the load securing seminars were an enrichment for our entire logistics team. Christian Rennie succeeded in sensitising the team to the topic of load securing. We were able to put many of his recommendations into practice. With regular on-the-job training, we ensure sustainable improvement.

Ralf Beyersdorfer
Head of Logistics – Eirich Maschinenfabrik