In principle, your enquiries and orders can be made via the common media of telephone, fax, e-mail and by post.
Make it as easy as possible and put together as much information as possible for me.
The easiest way is a personal conversation or a phone call in advance. Or you can book directly using the form below.
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Until revoked, advisory services and ancillary services are exempt from VAT pursuant to § 19 para. 3 sentence 1 no. 1 UStG.
Training and instruction as well as ancillary services do not include VAT until revoked in accordance with § 4 No. 21 a) bb) UStG.
Until revoked, my services and associated ancillary services as a state-recognised training centre for professional driver training are exempt from VAT pursuant to Section 4 No. 21 letter a double letter bb UstG u 1.11.2013, IV D 3 S 179/07/10012 (DOK 2013/1068610)).